logo by Bruce Martin


Class materials

Several of the modules below use R and packages ape, diversitree, phytools, mvtnorm, geiger.

Bring your own data (tree files, perhaps trait files) if you like. We’ll have some time for you to try fitting models while asking instructors for help. But recall that the main emphasis of this workshop is learning about how models think, rather than specific software packages.

Probability basics

MTH slides (borrowing heavily from Paul Lewis) are:

The source for the slides is are in https://github.com/mtholder/reveal

The JavaScript apps used by MTH for teaching are at http://phylo.bio.ku.edu/mephytis/ and their source is https://github.com/mtholder/mephytis

Likelihood and Evidence

RZF Heterospecific alarm calls example

Bayesian intro

TAH slides (borrowing heavily from Paul Lewis) are:

Discrete traits

MTH ran through John Huelsenbeck’s simulation of a character with dice see instructions. Model slides were slides 2-15 of the second part of Paul Lewis’ Woods Hole likelihood lecture.

RZF Introduction to continuous-time Markov chain models

HLB Coding discrete trait models in diversitree

Bayesian tree inference, divergence times, joint inference

TAH slides:

Continuous traits


Basic overview:

Class exercise stuff:

Full code for all class exercises:


General plan and a few references:


Phylo networks



Open science / reproducibility

Motivation for and overview of:

To learn more: there are lots of resources online, e.g. courses for on computational skills for biology graduate students:

Additional Tutorials and Resources